Thursday, 16 January 2014


White sky-reflecting puddle
at the base of a slender tree
fools me into thinking, for a moment,
it might be snow.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

On my way to buy a morning paper #47

Metallic clattering of Co-op cages and grumbled rolling of their wheels in the pre-dawn dark fails to dissuade a joyous blackbird that spring is – will surely be – on its way.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

from my window

Frozen patterns -
chestnut tree leaves
overnight engraved
on the roof of my car.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Woman with a deep pink scarf

Yesterday, a woman whose face could only be described as 'striking'
Shoulder-length imperfectly white hair.
Hooded eyes in a well-lined, olive-skinned face,  expression verging on the sort of arrogant that comes with a certainty of who she was.
I smiled.
She, almost, didn't.
And I envied her her self-possession.