Tuesday, 6 March 2012

On my way to buy a morning paper #32

Solid rectangles of wheelie bins
ambush-hid behind the hawthorn hedges
gun-toting cowboys and Red Indians


  1. Do kids still play cowboys and indians? Or is it frowned on now?

    It was our wheelie bin day today - but ours looked more like East Europeans queuing in the bad old cold-war days.

  2. Hm. You see shapes and colours - I see people.
    (No - not dead people!) Interesting character difference there.

    1. I wondered about cowboys and Indians but what the hell - it's historical! Not so many on TV now, or is it guns that prevent it? And I did begin by including the line "small boys playing" so there was people to start with. Are your bins brown? (or is that dreadfully un-PC too?!) because ours are green.
      And I also wondered whether there was a rectangular equivalent of 'cube' but neither of us could think of one ...

  3. Rectangular cube is cuboid. (How boring is that?)
    Our wheelie bins are black. Though we also have a brown one for garden waste, a red box for bottles and tins, a blue box for plastic, a yellow bag for cardboard and a blue bag for paper. I think that's it. They have a whole section of their own in the garden and will be collected next week!

    1. And all those plastic boag and box makers must be rubbing their hands all the way to the bank (having succesfully lobbied their council/MP etc etc to implement recycling)
      and thanks for 'cuboid' - ugly as well as boring :(
